About Us

About Us

BikeDash's goal is to rethink bike rentals for the customer, having convenience and ease of use on the front of our minds. We wanted to create a platform that allows customers to easily find a bike rental without having to go through the challenge of driving and parking in a city they may not be familiar with or accustomed too. Most bike rental shops are located in downtown area’s that get very congested during peak bike rental times. Biking is suppose to be fun and inexpensive! We want to bring the best of bike rentals with none of the downside. Buying and owning a bike for a lot of people means they first need a car, then a car rack to transport and all the accessories that goes into most rides like a helmet, air-pump and bike bag. BikeDash is here to solve this problem for you wheather you are a short term customer just looking for a quick ride or two or a daily commuter that needs a bike now and doesn’t want to be on the hook for an expensive and complex purchase.